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Valentine's Day Listening

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Valentine's Day Activities

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Valentine's Day Jeopardy

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Valentine's Day Trivia

Christmas Wheel - Level 3

Spin the wheel

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Choose the right word from the song:

He's making a list, he's checking it .....
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Choose the correct answer:

What Santa drives that rhymes with hay.

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Choose the correct answer:

Minnie ..... new shoes last week
will buy
is buying

You won 5 bonuses!

Grinch stole 2 bonuses!

Watch and choose the right item:

What's the weather like?

It`s stormy
It`s snowy
It`s sunny

The calculation of bonuses is available only to registered users (login/register)

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Wheel of Fortune - group3:
Right answers: 0
Wrong answers: 0

How to Play:

Take turns spinning the wheel. Each sector on the wheel corresponds to a different activity: Bonus, Grinch, Video Quiz, Christmas Songs, Grammar Challenge, and Riddles/Quiz. Bonus and Grinch Moments:

For the Bonus sector, the spinner receives a small candy as a reward.

If the Grinch sector is landed on, the spinner playfully gives a candy back.

Christmas Wheel is suitable for home, school, or holiday gatherings, this activity brings laughter and learning to kids of all ages.

Useful links:

Listening A1 Tests
The Best Christmas Trivia Ever
Christmas Jeopardy
Present Continuous exercises. Grammar online.
Present Simple exercises. Grammar online.
Future Simple test. Grammar online.
Past Simple activity. Grammar online.
Present Perfect online practice. Grammar online.

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