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Chinese New Year Activities

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Chinese New Year Listening

English Portal

Chinese New Year Trivia

Enhance Your Listening Mastery in the World of Stick Man: A Purposeful Comprehension Activity

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He dreams of his dogs and his Stick Lady Love. Then suddenly takes. Where’s that noise up above? It starts as a snore, then turns to a cry “Ho-ho-ho… I’m sick! Get me out!”. “A Stuck Man! A Stuck Man! Now what could that be? “Don’t cry” cries Stick Man. “I’ll never get you free.

Mistakes in the text: 9
Right answers: 0
Wrong answers: 0

All parts of Christmas activity StickMan task 4:


Useful links:

Listening A1 Tests
The Best Christmas Trivia Ever
Christmas Jeopardy
Present Continuous exercises. Grammar online.
Present Simple exercises. Grammar online.
Future Simple test. Grammar online.
Past Simple activity. Grammar online.
Present Perfect online practice. Grammar online.

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