Develop Fluency and Fun with this Christmas Speaking Task
Complete the dialogue:
Girl: - Watch …..! Aah! Oh! No! My …..!
Grinch: - What is ….. with you? Didn`t you ….. me? I mean, if that... if that was a sled, I-I... well, I`d be dead.
Girl: - I`m sorry ….. bumping into you, but this is ….. important. Have you seen my …..?
Grinch: - And that right there, Max, is the ….. nature of the Who child:
just ….. to `me, me, me.- My letter. Me, me, me.`
Girl: - No, you don`t …... This isn`t just a …... This is the Letter.
Grinch: - Oh... really? Let me …... Small ….., December 20, rabidly searching for a `really …..` lost letter? Might it be your ….. of demands to Santa?
Girl: - They`re not …... It`s more like a …... And what I`m wishing for is really, really important.
Grinch: - Well, then why ….. a letter? I mean, if it`s really that ….., you should just ….. him face-to-face. Oh, but that`s right: no one`s ….. seen him. Mmm, my …... Come on, Max, let`s get out of here.
Girl: - Bye, …...
Girl: - …..! Aah! Oh! No! My …..!