Harry Potter Christmas Dialogue: Let's Get Talking
Complete the dialogue:
Ron: - Harry, …..! ….., Harry, …..! Happy ….., Harry.
Harry: - Happy Christmas, Ron. ….. are …..?
Ron: - Oh, my mum …... ….. you`ve got one too.
Harry: - I`ve …..?
Ron: - Yeah. There …...
Harry: - ‘Your father left this ….. before …... It is time it was …... Use …...’
Ron: - ….. is it?
Harry: - Some ….. of …...
Ron: - Well, ….., then. ….. on.
Harry: - My ….. gone!
Ron: - I know …... That`s an …..!
Harry: - I`m …..?
Ron: - They`re …... I ….. who ….. it to you.
Harry: - There …... It ….., ‘….. it well.’