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Valentine's Day Listening

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Valentine's Day Activities

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Valentine's Day Jeopardy

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Valentine's Day Trivia

Christmas Speaking Activity for A2 Level: Enhance Your Language Skills

Complete the dialogue:

Father Christmas: Why are these ….. always so sooty? Ah, I see someone`s ….. me a mince pie and a drink. …... Ho ho ho.
Peppa: George, it`s …...
Father Christmas: Hello, there, and who ….. you be?
Peppa: I …...
Father Christmas: And who is this very ….. young gentleman?
Peppa: It`s ….. George.
Father Christmas: ….. to meet you, George.
Peppa: Are those ….. for George and me?
Father Christmas: They ….. be.
Peppa: Can we ….. them now?
Father Christmas: You have to ….. till morning.
Peppa: Father Christmas, how do you know what presents to give …..?
Father Christmas: I have a …... Ah, which I ….. to have lost.
Peppa: Oh.
Father Christmas: Right, let`s get these last presents ….., which means ….. back up this confounded chimney.
Peppa: Father Christmas, why ….. you use the front …..?
Father Christmas: Galloping Goblins! What a good …... Bye-bye, Peppa and George.
Peppa: Bye-bye...
Father Christmas: Happy …... Ho-ho-ho.

Useful links:

Listening A1 Tests
The Best Christmas Trivia Ever
Christmas Jeopardy
Present Continuous exercises. Grammar online.
Present Simple exercises. Grammar online.
Future Simple test. Grammar online.
Past Simple activity. Grammar online.
Present Perfect online practice. Grammar online.

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