How many people do you see? Who are the people?
This picture shows …
a little girl/ stand by / mailbox /labeled “Letters to Santa”
What are they wearing?
wrapped up nice and warm in / heavy winter coat, a cozy knit hat, /scarf, / gloves.
Her outfit looks
comfortable / perfect for the cold winter weather
warm and cozy
soft and snug
trendy yet warm
What are they doing? Why are they doing this?
send / letter
Where are they?
outside a warmly decorated house / snowy neighborhood.
The glowing lights, / snow-covered ground / magical Christmas scene.
If you look carefully, you’ll notice
a private house / distance
What time is it? What is the weather like? What season is it?
It’s definitely …,
lights on the house and mailbox / glow softly.
It's clearly …,
given / snow falling gently
warm clothes
How do they feel?
It’s easy to see that
filled with joy / thrilled
I can't help but notice that
truly believes / wishes will come true
Do you enjoy doing the same things? Why? Why not?
If you ask me,
Personally, I
sending letters to Santa as a child was always magical and fun.
enjoy the excitement of Christmas traditions
love the cozy feeling of winter evenings.
prefer staying warm inside during the snow
writing a letter to Santa helps me get into the holiday spirit