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Valentine's Day Listening

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Valentine's Day Activities

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Valentine's Day Jeopardy

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Valentine's Day Trivia

Christmas Picture Description - Winter Street - Task 2

How many people do you see? Who are the people?
This picture shows …

a little girl/  stand by / mailbox /labeled “Letters to Santa”


What are they wearing?

wrapped up nice and warm in / heavy winter coat, a cozy knit hat, /scarf, / gloves.

Her outfit looks

comfortable / perfect for the cold winter weather

warm and cozy

soft and snug

trendy yet warm


What are they doing? Why are they doing this?

send / letter


Where are they?


outside a warmly decorated house / snowy neighborhood.

The glowing lights, / snow-covered ground / magical Christmas scene.

If you look carefully, you’ll notice

a private house / distance


What time is it? What is the weather like? What season is it?

It’s definitely ,

lights on the house and mailbox / glow softly.

It's clearly …,

given / snow falling gently

warm clothes


How do they feel?

It’s easy to see that

filled with joy / thrilled

I can't help but notice that

truly believes / wishes will come true


Do you enjoy doing the same things? Why? Why not?

If you ask me,

Personally, I


sending letters to Santa as a child was always magical and fun.
enjoy the excitement of Christmas traditions

love the cozy feeling of winter evenings.
prefer staying warm inside during the snow

writing a letter to Santa helps me get into the holiday spirit

Useful links:

Listening A1 Tests
The Best Christmas Trivia Ever
Christmas Jeopardy
Present Continuous exercises. Grammar online.
Present Simple exercises. Grammar online.
Future Simple test. Grammar online.
Past Simple activity. Grammar online.
Present Perfect online practice. Grammar online.

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