What do you do when you get your homework?
A) Finish it right away and make it neat
B) Draw funny pictures in the margins
C) Ask your friends to do it together
How do you react when the teacher announces a pop quiz?
A) Smile confidently because you`ve studied everything
B) Make a funny face and say, `Bring it on!`
C) Whisper to your neighbor, `Did you know about this?`
What’s your favorite way to spend recess?
A) Reading a book or working on a project
B) Telling jokes and making your friends laugh
C) Chatting with friends and making new ones
How do you organize your school supplies?
A) Everything is labeled and color-coded
B) You have random doodles all over your notebooks
C) You always borrow from your friends because you forgot yours
What’s your reaction to group projects?
A) Take the lead and assign tasks to everyone
B) Volunteer to make the presentation funny
C) Make sure everyone is getting along and working together
What’s your favorite part of school?
A) Learning new things and acing tests
B) Lunchtime, where you can crack jokes with friends
C) Any class where you can talk and socialize
How do you handle a tough math problem?
A) Break it down step by step until you solve it
B) Make up a funny story about the numbers
C) Ask a friend for help while you chat
How do you prepare for a big presentation?
A) Practice thoroughly with flashcards and notes
B) Think of ways to make the audience laugh
C) Coordinate with your friends to make sure everyone is included
What do you do when you finish a test early?
A) Double-check your answers and start reading ahead
B) Draw funny cartoons on the back of the test paper
C) Pass notes or whisper to your friends
How do you celebrate a good grade?
A) Treat yourself to a new book or educational game
B) Share the news with friends in the funniest way possible
C) Throw a mini-party with your friends