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Chinese New Year Activities

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Chinese New Year Listening

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Chinese New Year Trivia

Picture description: Birthday. B1

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How many people do you see? Who are the people?

In this picture I can see… I think they’re….

How old are they?

They seem to be …

What do they look like?

Short Dark hair/ slim/ brown eyes/ pale complexion/ dark skin

What are they wearing?

Denim shirt/ trousers/ T-shirt/ jeans/ sneakers/ birthday hats

What are they doing? Why are they doing this?

They are sitting … / They boy on the left is holding …/ probably/ celebrating / whistle/

Where are they?

It seems that …./ In a park/ as/ can see/ trees/ in the background

What time is it? What is the weather like? What season is it?

Must be warm as they are wearing…/ sunny/ I guess it’s …/ green leaves and the grass is green

How do they feel?

They look …

Do you enjoy doing the same things? Why? Why not?

As for me….


Useful links:

Listening A1 Tests
The Best Christmas Trivia Ever
Christmas Jeopardy
Present Continuous exercises. Grammar online.
Present Simple exercises. Grammar online.
Future Simple test. Grammar online.
Past Simple activity. Grammar online.
Present Perfect online practice. Grammar online.

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